Recording your own performance by yourself can be challenging for many very different reasons. And while I'm still struggling with it, I have found a simple solution to one of the technical issues, and that is mic placement.
In a studio situation, where you have a recording engineer and a rehearsing artist or band, the engineer can experiment with mic placement while the artists warm up and rehears. It usually takes long enough to find a good spot for the mics and if it doesn't, well, you can always ask the artist to play a little more just for that, as long as you are quick enough..

When you record yourself at home, alone, that task becomes harder. Sometimes you're so "in the zone" that you would just press record and forget about any setup.. unfortunately.. however, if you know what you want to record and you rehearsed that material in advance and you have three minutes to set up, you can use a little friend to help you out finding the right spot for the guitar amp mic! And I'm talking about your looper pedal. You do have a looper pedal, don't ya? well, DITTO!!
So, yes you got it right - you record a phrase into the looper, let it loop, press record, and start moving the mic around your speaker cab. It's a good idea to leave some quiet time before you start the phrase recorded into the looper, so you can speak into the mic while positioning it and describe the mic position, so you can reproduce the best position later.
That's all.. simple and accessible :)